Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann oversees swearing in ceremony of 2024. (From left: Rep. Manly Barton, Governor Tate Reeves, Speaker Jason White, Mrs. White, Chief Justice Mike Randolph
Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann oversaw the swearing in ceremony. Chief Justice Mike Randolph performed the swearing in of the state officials during the Joint Session at the Capitol.
On Thursday, seven of the eight Mississippi statewide elected officials were sworn in during a joint session of the state House and Senate. All officials were Republican incumbents reelected for a new four-year term.
Those sworn in on Thursday were:
- Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann
- Attorney General Lynn Fitch
- Secretary of State Michael Watson
- Auditor Shad White
- Treasurer David McRae
- Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson
- Commissioner of Insurance Mike Chaney
Governor Tate Reeves, also a Republican, will be sworn in at a separate inauguration ceremony on Tuesday, January 9th.
For the Governor and Lt. Governor, this is the second of two terms in concurrence they are eligible to hold their particular office. The remaining statewide positions are not subject to term limits.
Lt. Governor Hosemann presided over the day’s events. He welcomed Chief Justice Michael Randolph to the podium to perform the swearing in of the officials which began with Secretary of State Watson. Each official took the same oath surrounded by their family and friends.
“Sometimes I don’t think people understand the service and sacrifice each of y’all make,” said Justice Randolph, as he went on to quote the preamble to the State’s constitution and its meaning and implication for all Mississippians.
State Senator Scott DeLano nominated Steven Parks to serve as the State Librarian. He was also sworn in during the session.
Following the swearing in, Lt. Governor Hosemann took time to address the chamber. He focused on issues lawmakers have worked on over the last year including teacher pay raises, education funding, infrastructure needs, tax reduction packages, and the changing of the state flag.
Hosemann then looked to the future and the issues that will need attention. Mississippi’s workforce participation rate continues to be the lowest in the nation. Hosemann said he believes strides in economic development made by the state will deteriorate without an educated workforce to sustain it.
“It has to be adequately funded from pre-K to the highest level that our citizens need,” said Hosemann.
He plans to propose tuition programs through community colleges to aid in increasing the labor force participation rate.
Healthcare from hospital costs, staffing shortfalls, mental health resources, pharmaceutical costs, and availability of preventative care continue to be a consistent issue, not only in Mississippi but across the country. Hosemann believes a comprehensive approach to these issues will allow lawmakers to make positive changes.
A looming issue facing lawmakers is the state’s retirement system, PERS. Hosemann believes changes will drive most of the financial decisions made by lawmakers this year and for years to come.
“In this room we have the ability and leadership to address these myriads of issues and every other one that will come before you. You have a record. I am confident that you will again in the next four years have a record of achievement as you did the last four years,” said Hosemann in closing.
The Joint Session was then dismissed, concluding the program.