The Mississippi State Department of Health is advising individuals not to use ivermectin as a remedy to the COVID-19 virus.
The MSDH reported an increasing number of calls being made to the Mississippi Poison Control Center regarding the use of ivermectin to combat COVID-19. The medicine is intended for use on livestock and some parasitic illnesses, and can be dangerously toxic to humans.
The MPCC has reported at least two individuals who have been hospitalized due to the use of ivermectin after ingesting it.
“You should not take any medicine to treat or prevent COVID-19 unless it has been prescribed to you by your health care provider and acquired from a legitimate source,” MSDH stated in the release.
MSDH’s official recommendation regarding ivermectin is below:
- Don’t take ivermectin intended for animals to prevent or treat COVID-19 (or any animal medications).
- Livestock ivermectin is highly concentrated, is toxic to people, and can cause serious harm.
- You should not take any medicine to treat or prevent COVID-19 unless it has been prescribed to you by your health care provider.
- There are safe and effective medications to prevent and treat COVID-19 infection such as getting vaccinated or asking your doctor about monoclonal antibody treatment if you test positive for COVID-19.
The FDA originally made the recommendation that individuals should not use ivermectin as a response to a COVID-19 sickness in April 2020.
Ivermectin tablets used in humans is intended for the treatment of some parasitic worms and ivermectin topical formulations are given by prescription only use in the treatment of external parasites like headlice.
Ivermectin is FDA-approved for use in animals for prevention of heartworm disease in some small animal species, and for treatment of certain internal and external parasites in various animal species.