Dr. Thomas Dobbs / State Rep. Steve Hopkins
State Rep. Hopkins, who called for Dobbs’ resignation, questions apology.
Mississippi State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs raised the ire of many Mississippians last week when he called critics on social media “anti-science Nazis” and “excuse monkeys” in a Department of Health press conference.
“You know, the anti-science Nazis on social media try to find anything to make an excuse, right? Excuse monkeys,” Dobbs said during the roundtable. “Just saying, ‘Oh, it was this!’ And every time you give them data that undermines it they find another thing. It’s like a twisty-turney thing, you know?”
Dobbs’ comments come at a time when many Americans are concerned over Big Tech and government’s coordination to limit the voices of the people, especially those with which that disagree. The White House’s recent admission that they are coordinating with social media companies to take down what they deem as “misinformation.”
On Monday, Governor Tate Reeves called the Biden Administration’s actions “alarming” and “un-American.”
READ MORE: Governor Reeves: Biden White House seeking to censor social media alarming, un-American
The Mississippi State Department of Health has also announced it is no longer allowing comments on its social media.
RELATED: Does MSDH blocking social media comments create a First Amendment violation?

The clip of Dobbs’ comments was shared by State Rep. Steven Hopkins who called on the doctor to resign.
“Thomas Dobbs if you had any shred of integrity left you would resign immediately after this,” Rep. Hopkins wrote on his Facebook page, tagging Dobbs and Governor Reeves. “This is unprofessional and totally uncalled for. This is the United States not China! People are free to speak their mind and make their own health care choices.”
On Tuesday, Dr. Dobbs was prompted with a question to respond to Rep. Hopkins’ comment.
The question came from a reporter but was asked by Liz Sharlot with MSDH. Sharlot asked the question but was then critical of Hopkins and supportive of Dobbs, adding to the question that “nobody in this state has worked harder than Thomas Dobbs” while voicing her opinion that Hopkins would be better served by focusing on getting his constituents the vaccine rather than on Dobbs’ comments.
“First off, I just want to apologize from kind of getting away from a sense of calm decorum. But I’m frustrated. I’m mad. I’m upset. I’m depressed because we’re going to watch people needlessly die over the next month or two for no good reason,” Dobbs said. “There is a mountain of lies and disinformation that is being promulgated by a relatively small number of misinformed, disillusioned people and it’s leading folks astray.”
Dobbs said it is difficult to watch the “perpetual nonsense go unchallenged,” adding that he is here to fight for Mississippi.
Y’all Politics sought comment from State Rep. Hopkins following Dr. Dobbs’ response on Tuesday.
Hopkins said the reason for his initial post was to call for Dr. Dobbs’ resignation because of his incendiary comments towards people for expressing their opinion in an open forum.
“Think about it this way,” Hopkins said, “Go into your place of work tomorrow and call your boss a Stupid Monkey and a Nazi because he won’t see things your way. How long do you think you would have a job? The taxpayers of Mississippi are Dr. Dobbs boss, they pay his salary.”
The DeSoto County state representative said his comment regarding free speech and the right to choose whether or not to be vaccinated is each person’s right – period.
“Whether you choose to get vaccinated or not you have a First Amendment right to express your opinion on the matter,” Hopkins went on to say. “If the roles were reversed and the pro-vaccine crowd was under attack for their opinions by a State Official in the same manner, I would have responded the same way.”
Hopkins took issue with the Sharlot’s comments on Tuesday, saying her words “were that of an activist.”
“It is not my job to encourage people to get vaccinated, but it is my job to protect their right to choose whether or not they want to get vaccinated and their First Amendment right to express their opinions as to why,” Hopkins said on Wednesday.
Hopkins said “the leftwing media and the bureaucrats’ in this country” are dividing the nation over this issue. He believes everyone should take a step back and respect each other’s right to decide and express their opinions.
As to Dr. Dobbs’ apology and subsequent justification of the comments, Rep. Hopkins questioned the manner in which it was done.
“I was glad to see that Dr. Dobbs expressed regrets over his choice of words in the Zoom meeting but in the same response he demeans the people choosing not to get vaccinated. How is that an apology?” Hopkins asked, adding, “Dr. Dobbs also says that he is frustrated. My response is welcome to the world of all those who are frustrated over having to constantly battle over their individual rights. Liberty will not long survive in a society where people are not free to make their own decisions.”
The original article stated that Sharlot’s comments were made by a reporter. That error has been corrected in the article above.