Commissioner Sean Tindell has announced the appointment of Joshua Bromen
to Director of the Mississippi Analysis and Information Center (MSAIC), also known as the Fusion Center. As a division within the Mississippi Office of Homeland Security, MSAIC provides Mississippi with a centralized location for the gathering, analysis, and sharing of information from local, state, tribal, and federal resources to prevent criminal activity.
Bromen is a seasoned law enforcement officer with 13 years of service with the Gulfport Police Department. He obtained the rank of Commander of Professional Standards and served as the supervisor of Public Information, Community Relations, and the Patrol, Traffic, and Support Divisions. In addition, he served as a SWAT Crisis Negotiator, Accident Reconstructionist, and member of the Gulfport Police Department Diversity and Community Outreach team.
Bromen has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership from the University of San Diego. He is a graduate of the FBI Mississippi Regional Command College and the FBI National Academy (Session 275).
“I am honored to have the opportunity to work with the dedicated men and women of the Mississippi Analysis and Information Center,” said Director Joshua Bromen. “We will continue to enhance the exchange of information between MSAIC and local, state, tribal, and federal partners to ensure a safer Mississippi. I would like to remind the citizens of Mississippi that no piece of information is too small and, most importantly, if you see something, say something.”
“Director Bromen’s law enforcement experience makes him an excellent addition to the Mississippi Analysis and Information Center,” said Commissioner Sean Tindell. “Under his leadership, MSAIC will continue to assist the Mississippi Office of Homeland Security in crime prevention efforts, including acts of terrorism and other threats to public safety.”
Press Release