Lawmakers returned to the Mississippi State Capitol for the 2021 Legislative Session on January 5th.
Below is a list of bills to watch as business continues for the 90 day session.
**This article will update frequently as more bills are added and bill statuses changes.**
HB 1 – Ratification of the new state flag of Mississippi
- Referred to Rules committee
- Passed in House Rules Committee
- Passed in House,
- Transmitted to Senate
- Passed in Senate Rules Committee
- Passed in Senate,
- Signed by the Governor
HB 135 – MS Critical Teacher Shortage Act of 1998; extend repealer on.
- Referred to Education
- Passed in Education
- Passed in the House
- Transmitted to Senate
- Referred to Education
- Passed in Education
- Passed in the Senate unanimously
- Returned for enrolling
- Signed by the Governor
HB 852 – Teachers’ and teacher’s assistants’ salaries; provide increase to minimum salary.
- Referred to Education and Appropriations
- Passed in Education
- Passed in Appropriations
- Passed on the floor by a vote of 118 – 3
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Education and Appropriations
- Passed in Education
- Passed in Appropriations, as amended
- Passed in the Senate unanimously
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurred as amended from Senate
- Signed by the Governor
HB 1123 – Early Learning Collaborative Act of 2013; revise funding and specify teaching standards.
- Referred to Education and Appropriations
- Passed in Education
- Transmitted to Appropriations
- Passed in Appropriations
- Passed in committee
- Passed in the House by a vote of 113 – 7
- Transmitted to Senate
- Referred to Education and Appropriations
- Passed as amended in Education and Appropriations
- Amended
- Passed as amended
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurred as amended from the Senate
- Signed by the Governor
HB 525 – Corrections omnibus bill; enact
- Referred to Corrections
- Passed in Corrections
- Passed in the House by a vote of 111 – 1
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Corrections
- Passed as amended
- Amended
- Passed as amended in the Senate
- Returned for concurrence
- Conference invited
HB 1008 – Medicaid; bring forward sections for purposes of amendment.
- Referred to Medicaid
- Passed in committee
- Passed in the House by a vote of 110 – 5
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Motion tabled
- Transfered to Senate
- Referred to Medicaid
- Passed as amended
- Motion to reconsider entered
- Died on the Calendar
- Suspended from deadlines by SCR 535
- Recalled from House
- Motion to Reconsider tabled
- Immediate Release
- Returned for concurrence
- Decline to concur
- Conference invited
- Referred to Ways and Means Committee
- Passed in committee
- Passed in the House by a vote of 104 – 3
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Finance
- Passed as amended
- Amended
- Passed as amended in the Senate
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurrence denied
- Invited Conference
- Referred to Rules
- Passed in Committee
- Passed in the House, 120-0
- Transmitted to Senate
- Referred to Rules
- Referred to Education
- Passed in Committee
- Passed in the Senate by a vote of 52 – 0
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Education
- Passed in Committee
- Passed in the House unanimously
- Returned for enrolling
- Signed by the Governor
- Referred to Education
- Passed in Committee
- Passed on the floor unanimously
- Transmitted to House
- Referred to Education
- Passed as amended
- Amended
- Passed as amended in the House unanimously
- Returned for concerrence
- Concur declined
- Conference invited
- Conferees named: DeBar,Hill,Norwood
- Signed by the Governor
SB 2279 – Parole and probation; criminalize absconding.
- Referred to Judiciary B
- Passed in committee
- Passed on the floor by a vote of 47 – 2
- Transmitted to House
- Referred to Judiciary B and Corrections
- Passed in Judiciary B
- Passed in Corrections, as amended
- Amended
- Passed in the House by a vote of 101 to 14
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurrence declined
- Conference invited
- Conferees named: Fillingane, Wiggins, McCaughn
SB 2795 – “Mississippi Earned Parole Eligibility Act”; enact.
- Referred to Corrections
- Passed in committee
- Passed on the floor by a vote of 44 – 4
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Corrections
- Passed in committee, as amended
- Amended
- Passed in the House by a vote of 105 to 9
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurrence declined
- Conference invited
- Conferees named: Barnett, Sparks, Wiggins
- Signed by the Governor
- Referred to Medicaid
- Passed in committee
- Passed on the floor by a vote of 47 – 4
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Medicaid
- Passed in committee as amended
- Amended
- Passed in the House as amended
- Motion to reconsider entered
- Died on calendar
- Suspended from deadlines by SCR to 353
- Recalled from Senate
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurrence declined
- Conference invited
- Law without Governor’s signature
SB 2536 – Athletics; enact the “Mississippi Fairness Act.”
- Referred To Universities and Colleges; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- Passed in Universities and Colleges
- Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- Passed in Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- Passed in the Senate by a vote of 34 – 9
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred To Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- Passed in committee
- Passed in the House by a vote of 81 to 28
- Returned for enrolling
- Sent to the Governor
- Signed by the Governor
SB 2759 – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; increase the monthly amount.
- Referred to Public Health and Welfare
- Passed in Committee
- Passed on the floor by a vote of 40 – 9
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred To Public Health and Human Services
- Passed in committee, as amended
- Amended
- Passed in the House by a vote of 110 to 11
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurred as amended by the House
- Sent to the Governor
- Signed by the Governor
- Referred to transportation
HB 16 – Mississippi Highway Patrol and MBN officers; increase salaries of.
- Referred to Judiciary B; Appropriations
- Referred to Universities and Colleges
HB 1439 – Mississippi Tax Freedom Act of 2021; create.
- Referred to Ways and Means
- Passed in Committee
- Passed in the House by a vote of 85 – 34
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Finance
HB 207- Medicaid; expand eligibility under federal health care reform law.
- Referred to Medicaid; Appropriations
HB 1231 – Mississippi Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund; create.
- Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks and Ways and Means
- Passed in Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
- Referred to Ways and Means
- Passed in Ways and Means
- Passed in the House by a vote of 117 – 2
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency; Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; Appropriations
- Passed as amended
- Returned for concurrence
- Referred to Education
HB 68 – Money to DFA for flags
- Referred to Appropriations
- Passed in committee
- Passed in the House, 117 – 3
- Transmitted to Senate
- Referred to Appropriations
HB 108 – Wireless Communication Commission; remove ITS control over.
- Referred to Public Utilities; Appropriations
- Passed in Public Utilities
- Referred to Appropriations
- Passed in Appropriations
- Passed in the House by a vote of 118 – 1
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Technology
- Passed as amended
- Amended
- Passed as amended in the Senate unanimously
- Immediate release
- Returned for concurrence
HB 581 – The Sexual Assault Response For College Students Act; create.
- Referred to Judiciary B
- Passed in Committee
- Passed in the House by a vote of 115 – 4
- Transmitted to Senate
- Referred to Universities and Colleges;Judiciary, Division B
- Referred to Apportionment and Elections
- Passed in committee
- Passed in the House by a vote of 116 – 1
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
HB 342 – MAEP; determine cost of using average daily membership (ADM) in lieu of ADA.
- Referred to Education; Appropriations
HB 355 – Department of Health; give authority to levy and collect fee on sales of medical marijuana.
- Referred to Ways and Means
HB 363 – Marijuana possession; revise as civil penalty.
- Referred to Judiciary B
HB 505 – Mississippi Broadband Accessibility Act; create.
- Referred to Public Utilities
- Passed in Committee
- Passed on the floor by a vote of 114 – 4
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Energy and Appropriations
- Passed in Energy
- Referred to Appropriations
HB 369 – Mississippi Emergency Communications Act; create.
- Referred to Public Utilities
HB 465- Compassionate Parole Eligibility Act of 2021; create.
- Referred to Corrections
- Referred to Education; Appropriations
HB 1013 – Medicaid; create Medicaid Commission to administer program and abolish Division of Medicaid.
- Referred to Medicaid/Appropriations
- Passed in Medicaid
- Referred to Appropriations
- Passed in Appropriations
- Passed by a vote of 103 – 13
- Transferred to the Senate
- Referred to Medicaid and Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
SB 2389 –Domestic violence shelters; revise eligibility for funds.
- Referred to Housing; Judiciary A
- Passed in Housing
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Passed in Judiciary A
- Passed unanimously in the Senate
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred To Judiciary B;Public Health and Human Services
SB 2001 – Teachers’ salaries; provide for increase.
- Referred to Education; Appropriations
- Passed in Education
- Transmitted to Appropriations
- Passed in Committee
- Passed in the Senate, unanimously
- Transmitted to House
- Referred to Education and Appropriations
SB 2008 – Nurse practitioners; authorize to dispense legend drugs to patients
- Referred to Public Health and Welfare
SB 2588 – Statewide Elections Management System; remove electors who fail to respond to notice.
- Referred to Elections
- Passed in Committee
- Passed in the Senate by a vote of 36 – 16
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Motin tabled
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred To Apportionment and Elections
SB 2486 – State parks; restructure ownership and management arrangements.
- Referred to Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
- Passed in Committee
- Passed on the floor by a vote of 32 – 11
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
SB 2765 – Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act; create.
- Referred to Finance
- Passed in Committee
- Failed in the Senate by a vote of 30 – 21 (this vote requires 3/5)
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Reconsidered
- Passed in the Senate by a vote of 30 – 19
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Ways and Means
- Passed as amended
- Point of order raised
- Point of order not well taken
- Point of order raised
- Bill laid on the table
- Referred to Labor
- Passed in Committee
- Failed in the Senate by a vote of 20 – 31
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Referred to Public Property
SB 2037 – Medicaid Access and Opportunity Act of 2021; enact.
- Referred to Medicaid; Housing
SB 2079 – Mississippi Minimum Wage Act; establish.
- Referred to Labor; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
SB 2140 – Absentee voting; establish electronic application procedure for college students.
- Referred to Elections; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
SB 2187 – Universal Recognition of Occupational Licenses Act; enact.
- Referred To Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- Passed in Committee
- Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- Passed in Committee
SB 2262 – Mississippi Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act of 2021″; enact.
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Referred to Business and Financial Institutions; Judiciary, Division A
- Passed in Finance
SB 2281 – The Mississippi First Responder Protection Act; enact.
- Referred to Judiciary B; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- Referred to Finance
SB 2346 – Medicaid coverage; coverage for eligible women up to 12 months postpartum.
- Referred to Medicaid
SB 2364 – Fresh Start Act; remove limitations on the applicability of.
- Referred to Judiciary A
SB 2421 – Mississippi Emergency Communications Act; create.
- Referred to Technology; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
SB 2433 – Alcoholic beverages; authorize the sale of wine at grocery stores.
- Referred to Finance
SB 2577 – Mississippi Election Reform Act of 2021; enact.
- Referred to Elections
- Referred to Education