YP – Governor Tate Reeves Extends Executive Order Fighting COVID-19
Today, Governor Tate Reeves announced that he has extended his “Safe Recovery” executive order through December 11. It had been set to expire today.
The governor also reset his county-specific orders, using the applicable data. The counties that now qualify for additional measures including mask requirements are Benton, Carroll, Covington, DeSoto, Forrest, Harrison, Humphreys, Jackson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Leflore, Lee, Marshall, Rankin, and Yalobusha.
MSDH COVID-19 report
Today MSDH is reporting 1,256 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 17 deaths, and 123 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 129,394, with 3,497 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/QP8mlIMqcd pic.twitter.com/SoO7Ab6kgH
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) November 11, 2020
MSDH offers warning over hospitalizations
Hospitalizations for COVID-19 are on track toward the crisis level we saw this summer. If we don't make changes immediately, we'll see critical shortages of first-line care for the seriously ill and injured. We know what works: social distancing, small gatherings, and masks. pic.twitter.com/yWdZTZx0kj
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) November 11, 2020
YP – Veto case between Reeves, Gunn heard at MS Supreme Court
The lawsuit over Governor Tate Reeves’ vetoes was heard by the Mississippi Supreme Court on Tuesday. At issue is whether the Governor has the authority to partially veto legislative budget bills.
Speaker Philip Gunn and Pro Tem Jason White filed the suit in late summer after the Governor issued a round of vetoes. Hinds County Chancellor Tiffany Grove ruled Reeves’ partial vetoes were unconstitutional and based on the findings, the request for the claim to be dismissed was denied. Reeves then appealed that ruling to the state Supreme Court.
The main difference between the two sides centers around some $2 million that was appropriated by the Legislature to the North Oak Regional Medical Center and $6 million given to the MAGnet Community Health Center. The money came out of appropriations from CARES Act funds.
Ag Commissioner Gipson takes issue with potential new shut downs
Only a true liberal could believe the way to “revive the economy” is to shut it down for 6 more weeks and pay people to stay home. Sounds a lot like … socialism. We will NEVER shut down Mississippi Agriculture and Commerce. https://t.co/8MY5iizimx pic.twitter.com/2iqcv04KOH
— Commissioner Andy Gipson (@CommAndyGipson) November 12, 2020
YP – State Rep. Jeramey Anderson (D) announces run for Mayor of Moss Point
State Representative Jeramey Anderson, a Democrat from House District 110, announced on Tuesday that he will run for Mayor of Moss Point in 2021. Anderson made the announcement as part of his ‘State of the District’ event.
“I stand before you today as your candidate for Mayor,” Anderson said, “proud of what we have accomplished and looking forward to restoring hope in our city as we work towards the endless possibilities of progress because together there’s nothing we can’t do.”
The current Mayor of Moss Point, Mayor King, and his wife were indicted this summer on 13 charges of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit fraud. The case is still pending.
Presley ends terms as President of NARUC
Today was my last full day as @NARUC President. It’s been an honor to serve this great organization. Although we couldn’t have known what all this year had in store, we’ve adapted and continued our work of serving and protecting the public interest. Thank you, @NARUC members! pic.twitter.com/WhdwcyUOMp
— Brandon Presley (@BrandonPresley) November 11, 2020
WLOX – Mississippi Power donates $825K in technology grants to four local HBCUs
Mississippi Power, in partnership with the Southern Company Charitable Foundation, announced that $825,000 in technology grants will be awarded to four local historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
Jackson State University, Mississippi Valley State University, Rust College and Tougaloo College will receive grants to provide students with scholarships, internships, leadership development and access to technology and innovation to support career readiness.
“Investing in Mississippi’s HBCU students is an investment in the future workforce of our state,” Mississippi Power President and CEO Anthony Wilson said. “We believe engaging these graduates will help ensure a thriving economy for Mississippi for years to come.”
WDAM – Rogers, Saul head to justice court judge runoff in Jones County
On Nov. 24, Jones County will be holding a runoff between Noel Rogers and Sonny Saul to determine who will be the next justice court judge for District 2.
“I’m just overwhelmed by the amount of support that the voters of Jones County gave me and happy to make the runoff. I knew there would be a runoff with four people running,” Rogers said.
On Election Day, Rogers received almost 30% of the vote, with Saul leading at 34%.