Mississippians for Compassionate Care stands by their recent mail piece featuring quotes from President Donald Trump expressing his support for medical marijuana.
The letter was signed by more than a dozen prominent Mississippi Republicans, who like 76% of other Republican voters in the state, support allowing access to medical marijuana for those who are suffering from debilitating conditions.
“President Trump has clearly stated on multiple occasions that he supports medical marijuana. That is all that we’ve shared – the truth,” said Mississippians for Compassionate Care Communications Director Jamie Grantham. “The politicians and bureaucrats behind Mississippi Horizon clearly orchestrated this letter from the Trump campaign. It’s just the latest example of the lengths to which they will go to prevent any form of medical marijuana in Mississippi. President Trump himself has said he supports medical marijuana and is letting the states decide. Initiative 65 is the only plan on the ballot that will create an actual medical marijuana program in Mississippi.”
RELATED: Trump campaign issues “cease and desist” letter to pro-65 group
Quotes included in the mail piece:
“Medical marijuana is another thing… I think medical marijuana 100%.” – President Trump, June 23, 2015 at the Conservative Political Action Conference
“We are allowing states to make that decision… a lot of states are making that decision.” – President Trump, August 30, 2019
Videos of President Trump expressing his support for medical marijuana:
“More than 81 percent of Mississippians agree with President Trump in supporting medical marijuana for people who are suffering,” added Grantham. “Voters see through the actions of politicians who failed to act on this issue and who are now trying to block this initiative. 65A lets politicians decide. More than 228,000 Mississippians signed petitions for Initiative 65 which lets doctors and patients decide.”
INITIATIVE 65 is supported by a steering committee of more than 70 medical and health care professionals, leaders of disease groups, law enforcement representatives, leaders in the faith community, and veterans. INITIATIVE 65 guarantees a program start date and a specific list of 22 qualifying debilitating medical conditions, while Alternative 65A leaves it to politicians to decide who would qualify and when, if ever, they would establish a program and how it would function. 65A only provides the option for the Legislature to enact a program someday, but has zero guarantees or accountability requiring them to do so.
The Legislature’s history of supporting medical marijuana is zero: they’ve never enacted a program and have blocked more than 20 proposed bills to pass a medical marijuana program legislatively. For this reason, more than 228,000 Mississippians signed petitions to qualify INITIATIVE 65 for the November 3rd ballot.
To learn more about INITIATIVE 65 and the differences in the two measures, visit www.medicalmarijuana2020.com.
About the Author(s)
Magnolia Tribune
This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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