Several former “steering committee members” of the pro-Initiative 65 Medical Marijuana 2020 have recently decided to vote against the proposal to legalize “medical marijuana” in Mississippi.
Dr. Jason Dean, Tim Moore and Clarke Reed all initially supported the concept of Initiative 65 when it was presented to them under the guise of a genuine medical marijuana program and agreed to serve on the group’s steering committee; however, each of them after getting the facts about Initiative 65 have decided to remove their names from the steering committee and vote against Initiative 65 on November 3rd.
“It sounded like a good idea; we all know people who have struggled with cancer and other diseases,” said Clarke Reed, a businessman and Republican leader from Greenville. “When the marijuana group’s leader approached me, he convinced me this was only about helping really sick people, but it is now clear this is all about making money for the out-of-state marijuana industry.”
“I also strongly oppose putting this in our State Constitution and urge voters to reject Initiative 65 and make the marijuana industry come back and do this the right way next year,” added Reed.
“I support empowering doctors to help anyone who needs medical care and that’s why I support legalizing medical marijuana,” said Dr. Jason Dean, Chairman of the Mississippi State Board of Education. “However, Initiative 65 is the wrong way to do this, and I urge voters to oppose it. By putting it in the State Constitution, it makes it nearly impossible to improve the program and fix flaws like giving the marijuana industry a pass on paying sales tax and even immunity that puts them above the law. I will vote for 65A to urge the legislature to provide medical marijuana through a wiser, more thoughtful approach.”
“Working for Mississippi hospitals, I have a deep passion for making sure Mississippians get the care they need and liked the idea of Initiative 65 when I first heard about it,” said Tim Moore, President and C.E.O. of the Mississippi Hospital Association. “But the more I have learned, the more certain I became that the facts don’t support voting for 65. We all want to help patients in need, but Initiative 65 is seriously flawed public policy.”
“We need a measured approach not enshrined in our constitution, and I cannot support Initiative 65. However, the legislature needs to address this need; they have ignored it too long and I expect them to take action starting in January,” added Moore.
Release from Mississippi Horizon.