Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) today signed Heritage Action’s Police Pledge reaffirming his commitment to supporting police officers and law enforcement officials in south Mississippi and opposing any efforts to “Defund the Police.”
Palazzo released the following statement after signing the pledge:
“I will always stand with our law enforcement officials who hold the thin blue line between law and order and chaos and lawlessness. Like the majority of Americans, I am proud to support our police officers who put their lives on the line every day to keep our communities safe,” said Palazzo.
Statement from Heritage Action:
“Mississippians and Americans everywhere are grateful to Rep. Palazzo for standing up for our brave law enforcement and signing the Police Pledge, and we call on every elected official to join him,” said Jessica Anderson, Executive Director of Heritage Action. “As our cities are suffering waves of riots and brave police officers are subjected to senseless violence, the far Left is abandoning our nation’s law enforcement and with it, our cities. It is time to return safety and security to our neighborhoods, support the police, and put a stop to the lawless anarchy.”
Full text of the pledge is below.
A lawful society—free from mob rule and violent insurrection—is not possible without Law Enforcement.
Police Officers have chosen a noble profession. They dedicate their lives to upholding the law and protecting the sacred rights of their fellow citizens. As a profession, they deserve support and respect.
I stand with America’s Police and pledge to oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to “Defund the Police.”
A copy of the signed pledge can be found here.
Press Release