YP – Wicker Leads 94 Pro-Life Legislators in Call to End Taxpayer-Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research
On Friday, U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., along with U.S. Representative Andy Harris, M.D., R-Md., led a group of 94 legislators from both chambers of Congress to thank President Donald J. Trump for his efforts to support pro-life policies and request that he end taxpayer funding for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
“Thank you for your bold efforts to protect the sanctity of human life… We write today to urge you to issue an Executive Order to end taxpayer funding of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research and to redirect these scarce federal research dollars toward alternatives that make a real difference for patients,” the legislators wrote.
MSDH daily COVID-19 reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 242 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi and one death. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 87,130, with 2,585 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/QP8mlJ41AN pic.twitter.com/hS7qSDjhaC
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) September 7, 2020
WJTV – U.S. Senate Race: Eight weeks until General Election
MS Democrats push unions on Labor Day
While celebrating this #LaborDay2020 holiday, be sure to share with your friends and family a few of the things hard won for us all by unions.#UnionStrong
[H/T to our friends @AFLCIO] pic.twitter.com/TJbruVbLju— MS Democratic Party (@msdemocrats) September 7, 2020
WLOX – Veterans, business leaders spend Labor Day protesting Confederate statue in Oxford
A group of local veterans and business leaders hosted a “Labor of Love” rally outside the Lafayette County Courthouse.
The group wants to relocate the Confederate statue that has been on Court House Square since 1907.
Similar gatherings have taken place throughout the summer. In July, faith leaders from 18 churches also gathered calling for the relocation of the statue.
Veteran Alonzo Hilliard says relocating the statue would be a way to connect with Oxford’s Black community.
CLARION LEDGER – U.S. Supreme Court to resolve dispute between Mississippi and Tennessee over groundwater rights
Mississippi lawyers argue Memphis and the state of Tennessee since 1985 have wrongfully taken more than 252 billion gallons — approximately 15% to 20% of Memphis’ total water supply — from within Mississippi.
“These groundwater quantities have been permanently taken from Mississippi and its people,” Mississippi argues in the long-running legal fight between Mississippi and Tennessee over water near the states’ line.
Mississippi is seeking declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as over $600 million in damages in its federal lawsuit against Memphis and the state of Tennessee.