A new program aimed at reimbursing healthcare facilities like clinics and nursing homes launched on Wednesday in Mississippi.
A program reimbursing clinics, assisted living facilities & nurse practitioners, among other healthcare entities, for PPE/COVID-19 testing launches today! #msleg appropriated $19 million for these expenses. Visit https://t.co/u3CiOB0fCp for more info. #HealthcareHeroes #COVID pic.twitter.com/e09L9uAaQl
— Delbert Hosemann (@DelbertHosemann) September 2, 2020
The program is designed to put CARES Act funds in the hands of healthcare professionals as reimbursements for the purchase of “personal protective equipment,” or PPE, and allowing for COVID-19 testing for employees and staff.
The appropriation of $19 million from the CARES Act for these types of needs came from the Legislature in HB 1782 under the Healthcare Providers Act. All eligible for these funds must enter into a grant agreement.
Eligible expenses can include: respirators, face masks, goggles, face shields, protective eyewear (without gaps), gloves and gowns. The money will also cover COVID-19 viral tests that indicate an individual currently is infected with the virus and antibody tests that indicate an individual has had a past infection of COVID-19.
A list of eligibility requirements can be found HERE. Individuals can only make one request per 30 days, as determined by MDA.
If a recipient has received other state or federal funds, they are still eligible for the program. However, they cannot submit expenses for reimbursement if those expenses have previously been reimbursed by another program.
Applicants who have questions can call 833-456-4560.