During the May 12 Open Docket Meeting held via telephone, the Mississippi Public Service
Commission voted to extend the previous order temporarily suspending disconnections of certain utility services until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26, 2020. The restriction will be in place for the next two weeks and applies to all water, sewer, electricity and gas services.
This is an extension of a temporary suspension of disconnection. Utility customers should continue to pay outstanding bills and pay for services provided on time during this period.
“We have asked the utility providers in Mississippi to hold off disconnecting customers who are having trouble making payments for two more weeks,” Chairman Dane Maxwell said. “There are residents of Mississippi who are still being hit hard by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, so we want to give them some time to get caught up on their bills.”
If you are having trouble making payments to your utility bills, please reach out to your provider directly to see about a payment plan.
Release from Southern District Public Service Commissioner and PSC Chairman Dane Maxwell.