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Have you ever done something at school that you knew would get you sent to the office? As you made that walk from second period to the principal you wondered would it be detention or a paddling. Well, if this bill passes students will no longer dread the possibility of an in-school spanking.

Authored by Rep. Mickens, HB 12 would abolish corporal punishment in public and charter schools for disciplinary actions.
The bill reads:
Corporal punishment is prohibited from being administered in any public or charter school as an action to maintain control and discipline of students taken by a public school teacher, assistant teacher, principal or assistant principal employed by the local public school district or charter school acting within the scope of his or her employment. Any public school or charter school teacher, assistant teacher, principal or assistant principal so acting, who violates this subsection, shall be held liable in a suit for civil damages alleged to have been suffered by a student as a result of the administration of corporal punishment
The bill also explains that any teacher, assistant teacher, principal or assistant principal who continues to act with corporal punishment is to be held liable for any lawsuits or civil damages pursued by the student.
If the bill passes through the Education Committee and both chambers it will go into law July 1, 2020.