Wicker votes to conclude Impeachment Trial
@SenatorWicker Votes to Conclude #ImpeachmentTrial. https://t.co/GijFrLHGnO
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) January 31, 2020
WJTV – Senate rejects witnesses in Trump trial, Rep.Guest agrees ‘voters should decide’
Congressman Thompson tweets on Impeachment Trial
GOP senators were more concerned with keeping their jobs than doing their jobs. #FakeTrial
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) February 2, 2020
Trump’s acquittal is imminent because this wasn’t a real trial begin with.
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) January 31, 2020
Baria: If Espy and I won in 2018…
Imagine this: if @MikeEspyMS and I had won in MS in 2018 America would get to hear @AmbJohnBolton testify. Elections have consequences and we have one this year. #2020election
— David Baria (@dbaria) February 2, 2020
WLOX – Reeves recommends increased funding for teachers, workforce development in budget proposal
Gov. Tate Reeves released his Executive Budget Recommendation for the fiscal year 2021 for the state of Mississippi.
Reeves focused heavily on improving funding for teachers in his budget recommendations, including a teacher pay raise and doubling the teacher supply fund.
“Last year, I promised that my goal as governor was to increase teacher pay by at least $4,000-beginning with a $1,500 pay raise in our first year. This budget mirrors that goal. As we continue to work with the legislature, my priority is simple: we should pay our teachers as much as we can possibly afford,” Reeves wrote in the proposal.
State Sen. Blount promotes taxing vaping products like cigarettes
It is a proven fact that raising taxes on cigarettes reduces smoking by minors. We should tax vaping products like tobacco products. https://t.co/WrNjamAzJi
— David Blount (@SenDavidBlount) January 31, 2020
WLOX – Sen. Phillip Moran talks lottery, legislative news
Power Ball and Mega Millions tickets went on sale this week in Mississippi, bringing in cash that’s earmarked to fix roads and eventually support education. With us to talk about all that and the latest from the state capitol is the vice chair of the Senate Gaming Committee Senator Philip Moran.
Watch the full interview here.
WDAM – Logistical issues ahead if Miss. lawmakers pass bill allowing wine in grocery stores
There could be logistic challenges ahead for the state if lawmakers pass a bill that allows wine to be sold in grocery stores.
Officials at the Alcohol Beverage Control warehouse in Gluckstadt say they don’t have room to handle the wine for grocery stores at this time.
The wine is currently stored on shelves as high as the ceiling and almost every one is full.
CLARION LEDGER – Medical marijuana: What exactly will be before Mississippi voters?
Initiative Measure No. 65 would amend the Mississippi Constitution to allow qualified patients with debilitating medical conditions — certified by licensed Mississippi physicians — to use marijuana.
The marijuana could only be provided by licensed treatment centers, and the Mississippi Department of Health — whose board opposes the initiative — would regulate and enforce provisions of the amendment.
People or caregivers would have to have a medical marijuana identification card issued by the Health Department.
WJTV – Mississippi officials encourage online services for Real ID
DAILY JOURNAL – SC looks to Mississippi as it works to improve education
When South Carolina House Speaker Jay Lucas was looking for ideas to improve education in South Carolina, he was surprised to find out Mississippi, often last or near last in the nation, had passed his state by.
Mississippi fourth-graders made some of the biggest improvements in math and reading scores in the country last year, transforming the state so many others had dismissed or only compared themselves to in order to make themselves feel better.
“We want to be Mississippi. That’s how far they have come,” Lucas said Thursday as he introduced Mississippi Education Superintendent Carey Wright before she gave a nearly hourlong presentation to South Carolina House members on her state’s success.
MBJ – Exit Interview: McCullough’s tenure at MDA marked by record economic growth
The five years Glenn McCullough, Jr., served as executive director of the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) were marked by some of the best economic growth in the state’s history.
McCullough, who retired to the private sector at the end of January, credits the success to teamwork.
“When I arrived at MDA in 2015, we focused on optimizing the relationship of people, process and product,” McCullough said. “When those three work together, you will be successful. The talented people at MDA work with the governor, economic development officials, utility partners and workforce development partners, and that’s the process. It’s the culture of teamwork.”
That teamwork has led to record capital investment in Mississippi, a record number of people employed who are earning higher salaries, and an increase in the general fund.