The Jim Hood campaign released a new internal poll conducted by Democrat pollsters Hickman Analytics, that puts Hood in the lead for governor over Republican opponent Tate Reeves.
In a statewide poll of 500 registered likely voters (with a margin of error of +/- 4.0) conducted between September 22-26 shows Hood leading Reeves 45%-42%, which is consistent with an August poll the campaign released showing Hood ahead of Reeves 44% to 41%.
In polls commissioned by the Hood campaign since the August runoff, results show Hood leads:
- 44% to 41% (August 11-15) – conducted by Hickman Analytics
- 45% to 42% (September 22-26) – conducted by Hickman Analytics
Hickman Analytics is often linked to assisting Democrats candidates. Previous clients include individuals like John Edwards, Ray Mabus, Mike Moore, Bob Kerry and now Jim Hood. According to campaign finance filings from May 2019, the Hood camp had paid Hickman over $103,000 for “Consulting”.
However, in an independent poll conducted by Y’all Politics it showed among likely voters, it showed right track/wrong track of 49/31. It also correctly predicted that (for the first time ever) voters planned to vote in the Republican primary than the Democrat primary in greater numbers 56/36.
For the General Election matchup, Reeves was polled at 48%, Hood at 36% with Independent candidate taking David Singletary at 4% with 12% undecided.