Reeves’ campaign on Waller: Nice guy, not a conservative
I believe in low taxes. I agree with Donald Trump that tax cuts are good for the economy. Bill Waller believes they “hinder” us. What do you think? #msgov pic.twitter.com/rSeK8JQESj
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) August 22, 2019
Waller releases new ad on ‘spooky’ ads
By now you’ve seen a lot of political TV ads. Some are so spooky, you’d think they were trying to sell tickets to a haunted house. We need Conservative Solutions!
Now, that wasn’t so scary, was it? pic.twitter.com/GsgmM3HmHS
— Bill Waller (@BillWallerMS) August 22, 2019
WXXV – Bill Waller set to hold press conference Friday before runoff election
Gov. Bryant supports Reeves’ call to eliminate individual income tax
Tennessee, Florida, and Texas have no individual income tax and are leading the nation in growth. Mississippi should join them and phase out this tax while we are experiencing good economic times. https://t.co/ZFgLgCOMiD
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) August 22, 2019
WTOK – Democrat Hood wants 3 debates in Mississippi governor’s race
The Democratic nominee for Mississippi governor says no matter who wins the Republican nomination next week, he wants to debate that person three times before the general election.
Attorney General Jim Hood says Thursday that he watched the 30-minute Republican debate Wednesday night between Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves and retired Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice Bill Waller Jr.
Hood said the format was too short for in-depth answers. He said he wants longer debates in the north, central and south of the state.
MADISON COUNTY JOURNAL – Editorial: Lynn Fitch is Jim Hood 2.0
Other than missing the first bond payment in state history, State Treasurer Lynn Fitch mostly coasted through office neither hot nor cold, neither meek nor bold.
Fitch had one job — one job — and she failed to make a loan payment and now wants a promotion to Attorney General.
The liberal Democrats and trial lawyers have been pouring money into her campaign hoping to have a similar pay-to-play relationship with her that they currently enjoy with Jim Hood…
…Andy Taggart actually has the experience to be Mississippi’s next Attorney General.
Taggart is a practicing attorney with courtroom experience.
When Mississippi’s conservative leaders need a top legal mind — think the late Kirk Fordice, Haley Barbour and Phil Bryant — they call Taggart.
Hosemann backs PERS
The State of Mississippi made a promise to our retirees, and I intend to see that promise fulfilled. Period. #TeamDelbert pic.twitter.com/VdcxWtkmG5
— Delbert Hosemann (@DelbertHosemann) August 22, 2019
WDAM – Mississippi AG joins 50 attorneys general and 12 companies in fight against illegal robocalls
Attorney General Jim Hood is joining 50 attorneys general and 12 phone companies in the fight against illegal robocalls.
Hood announced Thursday that an agreement has been reached whereby the phone companies have agreed to adopt eight key practices to fight illegal robocalls. This agreement will help protect phone users from illegal robocalls and will make it easier for attorneys general to investigate and prosecute bad actors.
“I can’t go anywhere without meeting someone who has been harassed by unwanted robocalls,” General Hood said. “As a result, I have committed to serving as a leading state in the Robocall Technology Working Group for the National Association of Attorneys General, and I’ve worked with the Mississippi Public Service Commission, federal enforcers, and other AGs to do everything we can to stop unwanted robocalls. In the past, the Federal Communications Commission has made it clear that phone companies can assist us in our fight against these unwanted and intrusive robocalls. We have continued to press these phone carriers to give their customers what they have been asking for – a way to stop these calls before they ever come through.”
Sen. Wicker discusses Coast Guard work in Alaska
Chairman @SenatorWicker and @SenDanSullivan join Captain Gatewood on @USCG Cutter Douglas Munro – named in honor of the CG’s only Medal of Honor recipient. They discuss Alaska’s fisheries and how the cutter protects the fishing fleet and prevents illegal fishing in U.S. waters. pic.twitter.com/gEZCYtTypN
— Senate Commerce (@SenateCommerce) August 22, 2019
Sen. Hyde-Smith talks pumps, immigration, guns on JT Show
Enjoyed catching up with @thejtshow on @supertalk this morning. We discussed MS workforce, #finishthepumps, immigration, guns, and more. Listen here: https://t.co/PlsaMJsQjw
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) August 22, 2019
WJTV – MDE to host first Mississippi Literacy Summit
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) is hosting the inaugural Mississippi Literacy Summit on September 13th – 14th, 2019. The event will be held at the Jackson Convention Center.
The theme for the 2019 summit is “A Shared Commitment to Literacy: Improving Literacy Outcomes for ALL from Birth to the Workforce.”
MDE intends for parents, educators, community partners, and policy makers to discuss strategies for supporting and improving literacy success for Mississippi students.
Congressmen Thompson, Guest host Rural Healthcare Summit
We must make sure rural communities have the same access to healthcare as urban areas. I thank Congressman Guest and the healthcare community for joining with me to address the challenges and discuss opportunities for future innovations. #RuralHealthcareSummit2019 pic.twitter.com/HUR3UKPevy
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) August 22, 2019
WLBT – Low pay contributes to staffing problems at Mississippi prisons
Our partners at Investigate TV uncovered alarming staff shortages at prisons across the country. The most significant was in Mississippi where average pay for correctional officers is the worst in the nation.
But what about for private prisons in the state?
The video is hard to forget. Last spring, we brought you a terrifying scene inside the Marshall County Correctional Facility in Holly Springs, recorded by an inmate on a prohibited cellphone. The video from this past April shows a guard bloodied and on the ground and flames filling the prison. The facility was locked down as the guard was taken to Regional One.