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Waller and McRae release new tv ads...

Waller and McRae release new tv ads just weeks before the August Primary

By: Sarah Ulmer - July 25, 2019

Photo courtesy of MIT Technology Review

Bill Waller, who is a Republican running for Governor and David McRae, also a Republican running for Treasurer, released new television ads on Thursday.

Waller’s campaign released a new television ad featuring his wife, Charlotte, discussing trust and character as key attributes that describe Bill and his leadership style.

“I know Bill would be a Governor who would listen to people,” Charlotte says in the ad. “That’s his temperament and that’s his personality. Trust is a word I would label him with. I know his heart, and I know he’s someone people can trust. He will look for solutions and there’s a big need for that right now in our state. Bill knows how to work with people to get things done. That’s his character. He will do his best and let God do the rest,” she concludes in the ad.

This new television ad, titled “Trust” is the sixth ad released by the campaign in the Republican primary election. The Waller campaign will continue to focus on the critical issues facing Mississippi’s economy including rebuilding our roads and bridges, saving rural health care, supporting our teachers with a pay raise and better preparing high school students with workforce training opportunities for the future. For more information about the campaign, visit

McRae’s ad features Governor Phil Bryant in the ad endorsing David McRae for Treasurer.

In the ad, Governor Bryant says, “Who serves as Mississippi’s next State Treasurer is very important. That’s why I’m endorsing my good friend David McRae. David’s not a career politician. He’s a pro-Trump conservative with real world business experience that prepared him to be our next State Treasurer. I know David will protect our credit rating, improve investment returns, and will be a watchdog of our tax dollars. You trusted me as Governor, andnow I’m asking that you trust me again and support my good friend David McRae for State Treasurer.”

“As a businessman from outside the political arena, I appreciate the fact that Governor Bryant has helped make Mississippi one of our nation’s most business-friendly states, open to new investment and jobs,” McRae said. “As Treasurer, I am determined to use my experience in the private sector to benefit Mississippi taxpayers and keep our state’s momentum going.”


About the Author(s)
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Sarah Ulmer

Sarah is a Mississippi native, born and raised in Madison. She is a graduate of Mississippi State University, where she studied Communications, with an emphasis in Broadcasting and Journalism. Sarah’s experience spans multiple mediums, including extensive videography with both at home and overseas, broadcasting daily news, and hosting a live radio show. In 2017, Sarah became a member of the Capitol Press Corp in Mississippi and has faithfully covered the decisions being made by leaders on some of the most important issues facing our state. Email Sarah: