John Caldwell of Nesbit, Mississippi sat down with Y’all Politics to discuss his decision to run for Northern Transportation Commissioner after incumbent Mike Tagert announced he would not be running for re-election for the seat.
“It looked like a position that was one I could make a difference in, that I felt like my experience worked well toward being able to step in and start getting more done,” said Caldwell.
Caldwell has previously served as the DeSoto County Supervisor in which he had a part in contracting our work for roads, a position he said he directly saw the impact good roads can have on a community and jobs. Caldwell served two terms as Supervisor.
He said when it comes to the issues, first, you have to start listening.
“Listen to local leadership…If you listen it doesn’t cost a dime and then it’s a matter of prioritizing things and getting the right roads fixed and rebuilt,” said Caldwell.
Caldwell said that progress has been made when it comes to fixing Mississippi’s roads and bridges but improvement needs to continue. He said it is a moving target and a difference now needs to be made on the next level.
“I’m the only one in the race with the right experience. Not just of building roads at a political level, but also as a consumer and a driver of these roads,” said Caldwell. “The Marine Corp experience I’ve had was, I think, significant in preparing me for this position.”
John and Lee Caldwell raised their family in Nesbit, Mississippi. They have been married since 1982. They have four children and seven grandchildren. The Caldwell’s home is in Nesbit where John serves as a volunteer firefighter, John is a former two-term county supervisor and the first Republican ever elected to the Desoto County Board of Supervisors. He retired as the DCS Transportation Director and Chief Emergency Management Officer. John is also a retired Colonel in the Marine Reserves. He is a combat veteran of Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom.