Brent Bailey, a Republican candidate for the Public Service Commissioner Central District seat, sat down with Y’all Politics to discuss what he hopes to bring to the table if elected to the position.
Bailey, a previous nominee, has already worked as a consumer advocate with the PSC and wants to utilize that experience as the Central District Commissioner.
“As the previous Republican nominee, I have demonstrated campaign ability and the appeal of our message of common-sense energy policies and energy systems that benefit consumers, create new economic opportunities and diversify our energy portfolio,” Bailey stated on his website.
With his advocacy position, Bailey has worked with the PSC with various issues such as expanding transparency, building the workforce through the Hire MS rule, and building upon the progress Mississippi has made in the industry with renewable energy.

“Renewable energy is something I have a passion for,” said Bailey. “Whether you are a homeowner, a small business owner, or even a large industry…renewable energy…helps consumers have more choice in their energy choices and energy usage.”
Currently, Mississippians feeding solar energy “into the grid” are receiving a return investment, and Bailey said he hopes to continue that, expand upon it, and use that to develop the workforce in the state.
The Public Service Commissioner of the Central District will serve 22 counties in the most central part of the state. Bailey faces opponents Nic Lott (R), Dot Benford (R), Ryan Brown (D), Bruce Burton (D) and De’Keither Stamps (D) for the seat. The primary election is August 6th.