Representative Jay Hughes, a Democrat representing Lafayette County, has now decided to run for Lieutenant Governor in the 2019 election cycle. He was originally elected to District 12’s House seat in 2015.
“I took the alternative path. I was born into a poor family. My father was a rough neck in the oil field, my mom was a truck driver,” said Hughes. “Very very thankful that I was taught to work hard and do right.”
Hughes said his family was based on the moto of working hard and doing their fair share.
He’s had an array of employment positions since he began as a “paper boy.” Since then he said done everything from shucking oysters, to being a mall janitor, and now serving in the Mississippi House of Representatives. Hughes also served in the United States army.
“What I am is a result of hard work in passion but everyday I wake up and remember where I came from,” said Hughes.
He said his top priority has been and will always be public eduction. He believes it is the ‘single greatest economic investment that the state can make.’ Hughes hopes to see more vocational training happening throughout the state, and ensuring those resources are available.
“I’d like to see teachers paid on the southeastern average, so we wouldn’t continue to lose the,” said Hughes. “We are in a crisis level in teaching our greatest asset and that is the next generation.”
In the event Hughes is elected, and a Governor from the Republican party is also elected, Hughes said he looks forward to the opportunity to focus on the things that each party does agree on, and not on the things that they disagree on.
As the campaign moves forward he hopes voters will recognize that he is genuine.
“No one will out prepare or out work me,” said Hughes. “They may win but they will never work harder or be more genuine.”