Authored by Senator Burton, SB 2037 would create the “Mississippi Emergency Medical Services Do Not Resuscitate Order-Bracelet Act.”
The bill would allow for a terminally ill patient who makes a written order to a licensed healthcare provider to request a DNR bracelet.
A form would then be written by the healthcare provider to alert any EMR professionals of the DNR status. The only way that form could be revoked is orally by the patient or their legal guardian, or if that same individual destroys the form in any way.
The bill reads:
Terminal patient may request health care provider to execute “do not resuscitate order for emergency services”; conditions; do not resuscitate bracelet. (1) An adult, married minor, or judicially emancipated minor patient who has a terminal condition, a surrogate for a patient with a terminal condition under the Adult Health Care Decisions Act, or an agent of a person with a terminal condition named by the patient in a Health Care Power of Attorney, or a parent or legal guardian of a patient who is a child with a terminal condition who is neither married nor judicially emancipated, may request a health care provider responsible for the care of the patient to execute a “do not resuscitate order for emergency services”
The bill was referred to Public Health and Welfare.