President Donald Trump campaigns with Cindy Hyde-Smith in October 2018.
Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith has accepted an invitation from Mississippi Farm Bureau to debate her Democrat opponent, Mike Espy, on Nov. 20.
Sen. Hyde-Smith’s campaign received and accepted the debate invitation from Mississippi Farm Bureau on Wednesday. The invitation outlined the plans for the event to be widely available, including television and radio broadcasts.
“With the U.S. Senate being in session for several days next week, and the Thanksgiving holiday taking place later this month, the proposed date of Nov. 20 is ideal for voters to have an opportunity to learn the clear differences between conservative Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith and liberal Democrat Mike Espy,” said Melissa Scallan, communications director for Sen. Hyde-Smith’s campaign.
“Cindy looks forward to a robust debate about the major issues facing our state and country, and to outline the clear choice voters have in this important runoff election.”
Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith Campaign Press Release