Another Senate debate canceled: Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mike Espy refuse square-off
A second debate has been canceled due to US Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith and democratic candidate Mike Espy not participating.
The Clarion-Ledger, WLBT, the League of Women Voters and the Mississippi Bar Association had teamed up to host a debate October 23 at Mississippi College School of Law.
This is the second debate canceled due to the candidates’ refusals. The first was scheduled for October 4th at Millsaps. Espy had pulled out of that event when Hyde-Smith declined to participate, citing her schedule as a sitting senator.
Clarion-Ledger editor Sam Hall expressed his disappointment over the cancellation:
“I am highly disappointed that we are canceling this debate,” Hall said. “I think it reflects poorly on people seeking elected office when they go out of their way to avoid public forums where they have to answer questions from the media and discuss issues with their opponents.
“Clearly they had rather stick to safe spaces and more controlled settings where their aides can help them out,” Hall said.
Clarion Ledger