Tweets from Swearing In of US Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi’s first female to serve in Congress
It is a great honor to serve Mississippi as its first female U.S. Senator. I am ready to hit the ground running, and do everything I can to represent Mississippians well. pic.twitter.com/1k2pk4QLf2
— @SenHydeSmith (@SenHydeSmith) April 9, 2018
I was honored to attend the swearing-in of U.S. Senator @cindyhydesmith. Always good to see my friend Mike Pence, too. Thanks, Mr. @VP pic.twitter.com/9jmxOU3nDP
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) April 9, 2018
. @SenatorWicker tells @VP, who just hugged @cindyhydesmith’s mother, Ann Hyde: I’m glad you’re into hugging because we hug down in Mississippi. #MSSen, @clarionledger, @hburgamerican pic.twitter.com/0MV7oaWICL
— Deborah Berry (@dberrygannett) April 9, 2018
Congratulations to our newest Senator from Mississippi, @cindyhydesmith! pic.twitter.com/XhRIlqqV7h
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) April 9, 2018
ROLL CALL – Cochran’s Scheduler Opened His First Office and Will Close His Last
Few people could claim seniority over former Sen. Thad Cochran. Doris Wagley, who was his scheduler since before he was sworn in to the House in 1973, is one of them.
“I showed up at 9 o’clock. He was there, but he didn’t take his oath in the House until 12 noon. So he started talking about me having three-hour seniority over him,” Wagley said.
Cochran resigned on April 1, and now Wagley is cleaning out their office in the Dirksen Senate Office Building before she retires herself.
Sen. Wicker discusses Syria chemical weapons attack on CNN, Zuckerberg testimony on Fox News
WLBT – Richard Boyanton challenges Wicker’s senate seat
Richard Boyanton of Hancock County announced that he’ll be running as a Republican. He aims to shorten the terms of senate seats and clean up government spending.
“When you have $16 trillion increase in a deficit on your watch, you no longer belong in Washington. We need to make a change now in Mississippi,” said Boyantan. “That, and I think that 12 years for someone in congress should be it, and then you go home. Right now if we did that, every high position would be ran by different people, half of Congress would be gone, and we probably can get something solved.”
WJTV – State Rep. Gary Chism recovering from stroke
DAILY JOURNAL – Governor indicates transportation special session possible
Almost immediately after the 2018 legislative session ended on March 28, speculation began that the governor would call a special session to address the transportation issue.
“I wish if there is a special session we could come up with a comprehensive plan and not just a Band-Aid,” said Rep. Jody Steverson, R-Ripley, who said the talk has been persistent that legislators will be called back in special session.
That talk has included combining a special seassion on transportation with one on how to disburse the funds from the settlement the state will receive for damages from the 2010 BP explosion in the Gulf of Mexico resulting in a massive oil spill. The state has about $100 million in a BP fund and is slated to receive $750 million over 17 years years. The Legislature cannot agree on how those funds should be spent. At least some members of the House believe the funds should be earmarked for transportation.
“I think we had some good discussions” about the BP funds, House Speaker Philip Gunn said on the day the session ended. “We are going to continue that discussion.” Gunn said if those discussions lead to an agreement, “the governor could quickly call a special session.”
WCBI – Contested Starkville Mayor’s Race Now in Court
Sen. Wicker says EPA Administrator Pruitt “best we’ve ever had”
.@SenatorWicker says @EPAScottPruitt is “the best we’ve ever had”; “The real reason Scott Pruitt is being vilified is that he is striking more of a balance between concern for job creation and over-regulation” — He hopes @POTUS @realDonaldTrump listens: https://t.co/U3vOpKztlB pic.twitter.com/NmZEGkqz6h
— Susan Bruce (@_Susan_Bruce) April 9, 2018
CLARION LEDGER – Geoff Pender: Government gobbledygook: The Dense State created its own language to keep public in dark
If you’re a normal person, that government gobbledygook makes little sense. And I’ve become convinced over many years that the Dense State doesn’t really want you to understand exactly what it’s up to, so it has created its own language.
At best, the government is so full of wonks, bureaucrats and lawyers that it can’t help itself but to be so awash in jargon, acronyms, legalese, five-dollar words, Latin and good old bull-mess that the average person’s eyes glaze over when they try to tune in. It may provide some job security for wonks and lawyers, but it contributes to a lack of transparency in government from Waveland to Washington.
Former Democrat Missouri Secretary of State, possible 2020 presidential candidate stumps for Anderson in #MS04
Excited about our continued friendship. @JasonKander thanks for coming down to Mississippi and sharing in this event with us. #YouRock #MillennialMovement #OneNation #JerameyForCongress #CoolPic pic.twitter.com/fSStgoYkSb
— Rep. Jeramey Anderson (@jerameyanderson) April 9, 2018
THE HILL – 2020 Dems boost down-ballot contenders in key states
Kander’s visit to New Hampshire late last month was his ninth trip to the state since President Trump was inaugurated. He called The Hill from Georgia, where he will host an event, after waking up Monday morning in Mississippi, where he raised money for a Democratic candidate for Congress. Kander has visited 38 states since Trump was inaugurated.
Does that mean he’s running for president?
“It’s something that people are asking me about, which has me thinking about it,” Kander, 36, said. “After 2018, I’m going to consider my options.”