The survey found that many Mississippians are strongly in favor of a cigarette tax, the expansion of Medicaid, and stronger regulations for gun shows. They also found that of this polled most were pleased with the job being done by Gov. Phil Bryant and Attorney General Jim Hood.
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According to the survey, 44% of respondents agree that the state is on the right track. This is an increase from just 37% in the September 2017 State of the State Survey and 42% in the January 2018 survey. Looking at the State Legislature, 30% of Mississippians approve of the institution’s performance while 41% disapprove. On the other hand, 40% approve of the work being done by their own elected legislators while 30% disapprove.
“We are hopeful that the Millsaps College-Chism Strategies State of the State Survey will continue to shed light on the way citizens perceive their institutions of government, some of the key actors in state politics, and important issues that have been debated in the most recent legislative session as well as past sessions,” said Dr. Nathan Shrader, assistant professor of political science and director of American Studies at Millsaps College. “Particularly, we find for the third consecutive quarter that Mississippians remain adamant about fixing roads and bridges, securing more funds for public schools, and improving access and affordability of health insurance in the state. These are important findings because we are now seeing clear patterns form within the electorate regarding their priorities and preferences.”
You can find a summary of the findings here: