There They Go Again!
Jay Hughes: Back in the School Yard
Inspired by Ronald Reagan’s famous retort to Jimmy Carter during the 1980 Presidential race, an email series keeping tabs on out-of-touch Mississippi Democrats.
Democrats in the state Legislature are howling because Republicans are seeking to rewrite the state’s school funding formula to direct more dollars straight to the classroom. On top of being responsible for record funding of public education in recent years, Republicans are now seeking to update the school funding formula–which hasn’t been updated since its creation in 1997–to create a more transparent, efficient, and consistent funding source that is student-centered rather than administration-centered.
So troubled that Republicans are willing to upset the apple cart in order to provide a better future for Mississippi children, one Democrat legislator has unfortunately and ironically even taken to school yard name-calling and bullying to get attention.
Rep. Jay Hughes of Oxford, pictured above, had the following to say of Republican leaders seeking to improve the outdated school funding formula:
“Students who made Fs in school complained the tests were too hard. Now we see what happens when they grow up and get elected.” – Rep. Jay Hughes, D-Oxford
If Rep. Hughes wants to spend his time at the Capitol at taxpayer expense ridiculing his colleagues, then so be it. What’s next…stealing someone’s lunch money? It may be time for his constituents to consider replacing him with someone who is less interested in juvenile antics and more interested in doing the work of the people. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about being a part of the solution. And that means working together to do what’s best for our children’s future.