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@EdBuild not recommending for #msleg to...

@EdBuild not recommending for #msleg to appropriate less education money

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 19, 2016

EdBuild: We won’t recommend less money for education

Sibilia has been upfront that she favors allocations derived from a weighted student mechanism based on student characteristics such as socioeconomic status and special needs, as opposed to one based on resources such as staff counts. But parents with children in schools with strapped infrastructure and not enough textbooks are likely less interested in the weeds of what will go into the new formula but this question: Are we going to spend less than what we do now?

Sibilia says the answer is no.

“We will not be making recommendations that any less money is in the system,” said Sibilia. “We can disabuse folks of that notion.”

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.