BOBBY HARRISON: Wicker no nice words for Putin despite Trump endorsement
But when asked about the Russian hacking, Wicker quickly cut me off and said he was not going to respond to everything Trump had said…
…When pressed about his answer, Trump added, “Well I think our country is doing plenty of killing also” before finally saying he would “absolutely” oppose killing journalists.
Now, let me stress that I know Wicker would have immediately condemned any killing of journalists, but obviously he is not opposed to cutting off their questions….
…Wicker wrote in 2014, defending Clinton who had been criticized for making the Putin-Hitler comparison, “Why the reluctance to tell it like it is? Russian President Vladimir Putin’s justification for his naked aggression is in fact disturbingly similar to Hitler’s rhetoric to defend the Volksdeutsche, a term for ethnic Germans who lived outside the Reich.”
Now, speed forward two-plus years from when Wicker wrote those words, and he is endorsing a candidate who brags about what a great leader Putin is and how he’s proud that Putin praises him.
Daily Journal