Cruz just proved you can't be a Mugwump. You either go all in for Trump, or you excuse yourself on conscience. You can't have it both ways.
— Andy Taggart (@Andy_Taggart) July 21, 2016
Friends beat me up about @JohnKasich not speaking at GOP conv'n on principle. Then Cruz took stage and embarrassed Trump. Big difference.
— Andy Taggart (@Andy_Taggart) July 21, 2016
Crowd starts to boo Cruz. This is UGLY. Good grief. Just when you think the train wreck can’t get any worse…
— Sam R. Hall (@samrhall) July 21, 2016
I’m waiting for music to start playing and Trump to make another WWE entrance to interrupt and take down Cruz.
— Sam R. Hall (@samrhall) July 21, 2016
Obviously Cruz is betting Trump loses in Nov and he can be the major candidate for 2020 who refused to endorse Trump even on the big stage.
— Austin Barbour (@Austin_Barbour) July 21, 2016
Whether you like the Cruz speech, hate the speech, pro-Trump, pro-Cruz…admit it, that was fascinating. #RNCinCLE
— Austin Barbour (@Austin_Barbour) July 21, 2016
Hey Ted Cruz, the past called, they said to get over it. #RNCinCLE #spoileralert
— Tiffany Parrish (@tiffparrish) July 21, 2016