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The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Day 76...

The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Day 76 – Hitler, advanced grifting, and keeping eyes on the ball

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 8, 2014

We interrupt our coverage to bring you this special report.

The Magic 8 Ball Legal Team saw it’s shadow late Friday to serve notice that it would be appealing Judge Hollis McGehee’s ruling that the Chris McDaniel challenge was untimely. This confirms what everyone already knew. Six more weeks of challenge. This was always going to wind up in front of the Mississippi Supreme Court. But that doesn’t make McDaniel allies feel any better. In fact, one has gone so far as to insinuate that the Cochran campaign has engaged in “judicial manipulation”.

McDaniel himself started celebrating in style on social media with his second World War II reference inside of a week. The first of course was the reference to Winston Chruchill. On Friday, he got jiggy with a Dietrich Bonhoeffer reference. Let’s be honest, World War II references are the oldest trick in the Mississippi political book. What Mississippi politician worth his or her salt haven’t made public comparisons to the challenges we face in Mississippi being equivalent to Hitler’s regime?

“Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act”.

Apparently, McDaniel clipped the end of that speech which said “not to challenge is to challenge”. Was it over when the Germans dumped the Tea in the Boston Harbor? Hell No! And it ain’t over now.

Meanwhile, the pro-McDaniel forces have started a new PAC focusing on 2015. True PAC wants your money and McDaniel wants you to give it to them.

Remember, when all else fails, give money. Even the South MS Tea Party is in on the act with a beg for more funds for McDaniel’s legal challenge. Remember, if it don’t hurt, it’s not a real sacrifice.

Truthfully, we’ve found the recipe for defeating these “McDaniel conservatives” at the ballot box. Give them a microphone, let them talk, and record the results.

In the real world, it seems that a Republican majority in the Senate is becoming closer to a reality. A recent CBS/NYT poll has Cochran over Travis Childers 46/31. More importantly, real progress is being made in key states to get to 51 votes. Tom Cotton (R) is now leading in Arkansas over incumbent Mark Pryor 43/39. David Purdue is making progress in Georgia over Michelle Nunn 47/41. Daniel Sullivan (R) is beating incumbent Mark Begich in Alaska 44/38. And in Louisiana, Bill Cassidy (R) is edging Mary Landrieu 38/36.

For true conservatives, 51 is the number that matters. And America is close to having Republicans regain control and sanity of the Senate. Mississippi should continue to do it’s part.

That’s the way it was – Day 76 of the McDaniel Hostage Crisis.

Good day Mississippi – and good luck.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.