We interrupt our coverage to bring you this special report.
Today, the big top moves to the Fairgrounds . . . at Neshoba. While the world awaits whether or not a scene will be made at Neshoba (loud, disruptive protest by McDaniel supporters or possibly the final unveiling of “the challenge”), the Hostage Crisis rages on.
Neshoba for political junkies is always a good time for reflection and perspective. So let’s recap where we’ve been these last 36 days.
Today is the 56th day since Red State suggested that Thad Cochran concede after the primary to prevent “wasting GOP resources”.
Today is the 34th day since Chris McDaniel said it could be “nearly a week” before he decided whether or not to challenge the election.
Today is the 29th day since an out of state blogger published a story about a Meridian self-styled reverend who alleged vote buying.
Today is the 28th day since the hijacked conference call.
Today is the 27th day since Chris McDaniel’s $1000 bounties (presumably bounties for Truth and Justice) were offered .
Today is the 26th day since the Flag-Wave Hee-Haw Liberty Jubilee.
Today is the 20th day since True the Vote filed their second lawsuit against Delbert Hosemann as well as the announcement of the 82 County Bigfoot/Voter Fraud Scavenger Hunt and Jubilee.
Today is the 19th day since Stevie Fielder recanted his now completely discredited allegations saying he was only speaking “hypothetically”.
Today is the 14th day since Mitch Tyner and the Magic 8-Ball Legal Team proclaimed that a challenge would be filed within 10 days.
Today is the 13th day since the kickoff of the “Truth and Justice” tour (no word yet as to whether truth or justice were apprehended).
Today is the 12th day since the famed “Hallmark Decision” was handed down by the MS Supreme Court.
Today is the 11th day since Todd Akin (of legitimate rape fame) came to Chris McDaniel’s defense.
Today is the 9th day since the epic Facebook battle between Joe Nosef, Chris McDaniel and Melanie Sojourner.
Today is the 7th day since the full frontal assault on Batman day where the McDaniel Rock-N-Roll Party RV was parked in front of the comic book store.
Today is the 5th day since McDaniel Communications Director Noel Fritsch asked the Clarion Ledger’s Sam Hall when he stopped beating his wife (off the record of course).
Tired of the circus yet? It revolves around only one man. One man can end it all and it’s only when conceding (and acting like an adult) is made more attractive than fighting by the folks closest to him . . . his family, his true friends, his law partners, his supporters and GOP and political leaders.
That’s the way it was – Day 36 of the McDaniel Hostage Crisis.
Good day Mississippi – and good luck.