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The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Days...

The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Days 34/35 – Garnished paychecks, 8-Balls, toes & lawsuits galore

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 29, 2014

We interrupt our coverage to bring you this special report.

The editorial pages are for the first time in a month finding their voice about the lunacy of the 35 day hostage crisis. The Clarion Ledger and the Daily Journal both came out with the same “put up or shut up” message to McDaniel. Charlie Mitchell honed in on some of the mean spirited attitude he’s seen in the wake of the runoff . Washington Post and Politco both had fascinating articles about these independent groups and the political consultants that love them.

As we cross the five week mark in the hostage crisis, the things that were meant to remain hidden are having a hard time staying hid.

For instance, yesterday, news came out from the McDaniel campaign that their campaign manager, Melanie Sojourner, got a letter from DFA saying her wages were to be garnished. This is the result of unpaid fines due to not turning in her annual campaign finance disclosure. There’s obviously something on there she doesn’t want anyone to know about. Funny that a campaign that is screaming for transparency has a campaign manager being fined and garinshed for a noted lack thereof.

Meanwhile, the McDaniel legal team lazily rumbles down the campaign financed fueled path of possibly challenging the over 5 week old certified results in the Republican runoff. Yesterday afternoon, they consulted their lucky Magic 8-Ball.

But that just goes to show that Republicans suck at being trial lawyers. Their heart just isn’t in it. Democrat trial lawyers don’t shake Magic 8-Balls. They shake down governmental agencies.

Yes, everyone knows that Democrats make better trial lawyers. Former Governor and former US Senate Candidate Ronnie Musgrove is dipping his toe back into the water of plaintiffs lawsuits. He’s teaming up with the son of US Senate Candidate Travis Childers, Dustin Childers, and the nephew of disbarred trial lawyer Joey Langston, Casey Lott, to sue to state of Mississippi for essentially back payments on underfunding the MAEP formula. Not surprisingly, Childers and Lott both work for the Langston and Lott law firm. The name Langston, of course, has popped up a good many times of Travis Childers campaign finance disclosures and the advent of this lawsuit effort now all starts stitching those loose ends together. With that political dream team plus Patsy Brumfield as the spokesman for Better Schools, Better Jobs, what could possibly go wrong (besides taking money away from K-12 school children)? Anyhoo, they’ve created their own version of Robin Hood. Take from the poor, skim 25% off the top for themselves (including payback of 10% to school board attorneys who convince their school districts to sign up – apparently that’s legal), and give the rest to . . . well it really doesn’t matter who the rest goes to.

And the weather will be nice for the Neshoba County Fair this week. We’ll be there as always capturing the highlights and the low lifes. McDaniel supporters will start telegraphing their punches on social media today and tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

That’s the way it was – Days 34 & 35 of the McDaniel Hostage Crisis.

Good day Mississippi – and good luck.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.