Miss. House approves $199.9 million bond bill
No state bond money will be earmarked for the upcoming budget year for a new Mississippi Trade Mart building and renovations to the aging coliseum on the Mississippi Fairgrounds.
The House today approved a $199.9 million bond bill.
A House bill had sought $55 million in bonds for the Trade Mart and coliseum projects to pay for repair, renovation and improvements to the Mississippi Coliseum, the demolition of the Trade Mart and the construction of a new one. It also calls for improvements to parking on the Mississippi State Fairgrounds, including, but not limited to, the construction of parking facilities on the location of the existing Mississippi Trade Mart.
House Ways and Means Chairman Jeff Smith, R-Columbus, said today the final bond bill includes no money for the Trade Mart and coliseum projects.
“It was a tradeoff for museums,” Smith said.
Clarion Ledger