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Chris McDaniel heading to Kentucky to...

Chris McDaniel heading to Kentucky to speak to FreedomWorks #FreePAC

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 24, 2014

Thad Cochran challenger Chris McDaniel to speak at FreePAC Kentucky

FreedomWorks is pleased to announce that Chris McDaniel, principled conservative challenger to Thad Cochran in the Mississippi Senate race, will be speaking at FreePAC Kentucky on Saturday, April 5. Grassroots activists from across the country will gather in Louisville to hear from conservative pundits, entrepreneurs and community leaders in the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, KY.

FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe commented, “Chris McDaniel is one of the principled leaders who will undoubtedly guide the future of the freedom movement. He fought tirelessly to protect the individual freedoms of Mississippians, and his dedication will be an inspiration to activists nationwide. We are excited to have him join Matt Bevin and Glenn Beck on the stage at FreePAC Kentucky.”


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.