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MS House Dems say they will vote to...

MS House Dems say they will vote to concur on Senate passed Teacher Pay Raise Bill

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 7, 2014

House Democrats pleased by Senate teacher pay proposal

The Mississippi House Democratic Caucus is pleased that the Senate has passed a teacher pay raise bill that is much closer to the $5000 across the board pay raise for which they have advocated.

House Democratic Leader Bobby Moak said, “While the amount is not what legislative Democrats would have passed had we been in control of the process, the Senate plan does recognize the need for a significant raise and doesn’t insult teachers with unnecessary and irrelevant ‘benchmarks’ like joining a social club.”

Moak continued with an invitation, “House Democrats ask like-minded Republicans to join with them and concur in the Senate position thereby sending the bill to the Governor for his immediate signature.”

House Democrat Press Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.