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Mother Jones – Rep. Alan...

Mother Jones – Rep. Alan Nunnelee: Chick-fil-A Opponents “Resort to Hate”

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 30, 2012

Mother Jones – Rep. Alan Nunnelee: Chick-fil-A Opponents “Resort to Hate”

A conservative congressman today sent House staffers an official email trashing pro-gay protesters of Chick-fil-A as “malicious” critics who “resort to hate,” exhorting his colleagues to rush to the fast-food chain’s aid as its brand reputation takes a tailspin.

Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.) sent the “Dear Colleague” letter to his fellow lawmakers’ offices, calling on them to sign a letter of support he’d drafted to Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy. (Read the full letter below.) Cathy has recently come under fire for a recent interview in which he attacked gay marriage as violating “the biblical definition of a family unit.” Chick-fil-A reportedly donated more than $2 million to anti-gay causes in 2009. Employees of the fast-food chain and their families have also given nearly $200,000 in direct donations to conservative national politicians, including tens of thousands of dollars to presidential also-ran Herman Cain this election cycle.

Mother Jones

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