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Delbert Hosemann’s NCF speech

Delbert Hosemann’s NCF speech

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 29, 2011

“If you are not too busy…”


“It is great to be back at Neshoba County Fair. How do y’all like my commercials?
The Election is less than one week away and the newspaper said my opponent did not vote in any election for Haley Barbour. He also did not vote in the 2010 Election for Congress to determine if Nancy Pelosi was going to be Speaker of the House. He said he was too busy.
Well, I hope all of you are not too busy to go vote next Tuesday and, when you do, I hope it will be for someone who will at least show up at the polls. I hope you will vote to rehire Delbert Hosemann as Secretary of State.
Speaking of voting, I have been all over the State of Mississippi telling people how much we need Voter ID in Mississippi. I told you three (3) years ago I would do that. On November 8th, it will be on the ballot and Mississippi will pass a common sense constitutional voter identification requirement to further strengthen our voting system.
For the first time ever, the Secretary of State is in precincts on every Election Day, over 1000 of them so far, and I report to Mississippi Legislature and local authorities where we see problems. In Madison County, a person was convicted for voter fraud and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
I hope all of you are not too busy to go vote next Tuesday and, when you do, I hope you will vote for a Secretary of State who thinks common sense Voter ID requirements protect the integrity of your vote, it is a crime to steal your vote and you ought to be alive when cast your ballot. I hope you go vote in the Republican Primary to rehire Delbert Hosemann as Secretary of State.
Two months ago, the NAACP, the State Democratic Party and even some Republicans sued me, to let the Federal Courts redistrict Mississippi. They wanted to kick out our Constitution that gives the Mississippi Legislature until the year after the Census to redistrict. They wanted to take away your voice to pick who represents you in the Legislature.

I said no. A three judge Federal Panel said the Secretary of State is right and Mississippi citizens do have Constitutional rights, we can select our Legislative representatives-not a Federal Court.
So, if you are not too busy to vote next Tuesday and, you want to elect a Secretary of State who will protect your vote and who will defend your Constitution, go vote in the Republican Primary to rehire Delbert Hosemann as Secretary of State.
Since you hired me, I have rewritten almost every business law in our State to make your businesses more competitive and less costly to operate. I reduced corporate filing fees for the first time in memory and filing fees for Mississippi LLC’s are free. I have sued Morgan Keegan Securities Firm for misleading investors and the investors received over $200 Million Dollars back.
So, if you are not too busy to vote next Tuesday and, you want to elect a Secretary of State who will work to create jobs, cut red tape, and protect your hard earned investment dollars, you need to go vote in the Republican Primary to rehire Delbert Hosemann.
Since you hired me, revenue from Public Lands has increased almost $25 Million Dollars a year. Timber revenue from over 450,000 acres of public timberland has doubled since we instituted common sense management plans. That is money that goes directly to school children and money you do not have to pay in taxes. I have personally reviewed and signed over 2000 leases, and I have rejected the ones that are not fair.
I am the only department in Mississippi State Government to ask for a reduction in my budget every year I have worked there. This year our budget is over $1 Million Dollars per year less than the year when I started.
So, if you are not too busy to go vote next Tuesday and you want a Secretary of State who will fight for your public dollars and will put the taxpayer ahead of the cost of State Government, you need to go vote in the Republican Primary to rehire Delbert Hosemann as Secretary of State.
Elections are important. I went to Afghanistan and Iraq to make sure our service men and women got to cast their vote. They are fighting for Mississippi’s future. It is worth fighting for. We have a State that tests the rockets to the moon, builds cars, helicopters and jet engines, converts trees to oil and whose economic fabric is woven by thousands of small business men and women. We have vast natural resources, fertile agricultural land, and abundant water.
Most importantly, we have a unique sense of community that reflects our people. You can see it here today at the fair. Thank you for allowing me to work for you and for our future, and thank you for your vote to rehire Delbert Hosemann as Secretary of State. God bless you and our State and enjoy the fair.”

Delbert Hosemann Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.