Similarities in AL-05 and MS-01
The two districts are in the Northern portion of their state and are largely rural. MS-01 has Memphis that has created the Desoto county suburbs. AL-05 has Huntsville and Chattanooga, TN which have given life to suburban living. But that is the exception rather than the rule. In addition to the rural tint, residents are also on the lower end of the economic scale with a median income of $38,000 in AL-05 and $36,000 in MS-01. The demographics are fairly similar where 77 percent of AL-05 is white, while 70 percent of MS-01 is. The breakdown of blue and white collar workers is also similar.
The two districts are also shaped by the presence of the Tennessee Valley Authority which has been a fixture in the region since the Depression. The TVA is responsible for what I call TVA Democrats that ruled the political scene for years- and still do today to a certain extent. This is generally someone who is more liberal- or supportive of government- economically. But as the face of the national Democrats moved left on social issues, they have moved right. Politicians known as RWDs (or rural, white Democrats) populate the area.
Majority in Mississippi