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Lt. Gov. Says He Won’t Accept...

Lt. Gov. Says He Won’t Accept Money at Lott-Hosted Fundraiser

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 29, 2009

Lt. Gov. Says He Won’t Accept Money at Lott-Hosted Fundraiser

Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant said late this afternoon that he’s telling supporters not to show up with money at a fundraiser Trent Lott’s throwing him tomorrow night. He said he’ll also turn down any money that supporters give him, since he’s not sure he can call everybody in time (he said he got more than 300 RSVPs).

Mississippi doesn’t prohibit elected officials from having fundraisers during legislative sessions. Bryant, a future candidate in the Republican primary for governor, said he would support such a law.

Here’s his comments on it:

“I don’t think it’s good to have a fundraiser during a session. Unfortunately, sessions now seem to go on forever,” he said.

“Under certain conditions, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. For example, if you planned (a fundraiser) that you thought was gonna happen on the 29th of May and you’re still in session.”

“I don’t think there’s anything ethically wrong with it.”

“I think it sends the wrong message if you called people who had a particular bill in your committee and you say, ‘I think I’m going to have a fundraiser.’ I think that’s crossing the line.”

“I think we should have a law against it, but at some point, you’re gonna have to have a cutoff.”

According to the invitation, the fundraiser is tomorrow from 6-9pm at the Lott home in the Jackson area .. $250 per couple.

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