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Sports should go green, allow pot...

Sports should go green, allow pot smoking

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 13, 2009

Sports should go green, allow pot smoking

Weed, the Breakfast of Champions.

I’ve been waiting a long time – 11 years to be exact – for the sports world to seize on that concept, but no one’s had the guts. Now, far later than I expected, we’ve entered pot’s perfect storm.

Just as the economy has tanked, strangling sponsorships all over the athletic map, a Super Bowl MVP and the most decorated Olympian of all time have emerged as partakers. Advocates for drug reform have long said that legalizing marijuana would increase tax revenue, not to mention reduce violence in the dealer population. In sports, the door would open for a cash flow to fill the creek bed left dry by a shriveling General Motors, Citigroup and their ilk.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.