The Clarion-Ledger Editorial, 1/23/9
The national recession has impacted everyone, requiring cutbacks and sacrifices. When budget cuts are required of all state government functions, it seems fair and equitable.
But state budget cuts have a way of trickling down, and in the case of local schools, it becomes more than just inconvenience.
All state government agencies have now been cut by 5 percent to help make up for what could be a $175 million to $310 million shortfall in this fiscal year’s budget.
Gov. Haley Barbour initially exempted the Mississippi Adequate Education Program, the basic funding for all K-12 schools, from state-mandated budget cuts. However, when a second round was required, under law he had to also include MAEP funding. The cuts amounted to about 3.2 percent of $76.6 million.