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LINCICOME: Cutler’s strong arm...

LINCICOME: Cutler’s strong arm doesn’t ensure title

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 17, 2008

LINCICOME: Cutler’s strong arm doesn’t ensure title

The debate is moot, whether Jay Cutler’s arm is stronger than John Elway’s since at the end of neither of Cutler’s arms is a Super Bowl ring, a measurement that has diminished many a strong-armed quarterback, with Dan Marino coming most prominently to mind.
Of the qualities that define a quarterback a strong arm was forever reduced by Joe Montana, arguably the greatest ever, but not likely to knock over a milk bottle from the other side of the room.
Accuracy, wisdom, patience and decision making, as well as a willingness to mind the coach, tend to be more prized, not that Cutler seems deficient there.

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Magnolia Tribune

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