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Want to build a winner? Don’t rush...

Want to build a winner? Don’t rush the quarterback

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 5, 2008

Want to build a winner? Don’t rush the quarterback

Lucky is the NFL quarterback who plays for an organization that knows how to handle a fragile psyche.
It’s not brain surgery. It won’t win anyone a Nobel Prize or a place in heaven, even if it’s practiced the right way each day.
But how we love to make a big deal out of the NFL QB.
Success requires skill, nerve and pocket awareness. Dumb luck doesn’t hurt, either.
That’s because NFL quarterbacks, more than any other position, are impacted not only by how they are brought into the league — but by whom.
These attention-grabbing pros in leadership roles also can be highly vulnerable.
“[They] have very fragile egos,” said New York Giants’ quarterbacks coach Chris Palmer, who held a similar position with the 2006 Cowboys. “We just have to try to get them in stride, build their confidence, get them to believe in themselves, and to believe in the system.”

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.