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Ross Garners NRA Endorsement Prior to...

Ross Garners NRA Endorsement Prior to Special Election

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 29, 2008

On Friday, the National Rifle Association (NRA) formally announced their endorsement of Charlie Ross for Mississippi’s Third Congressional District.

“I am honored to have the NRA’s endorsement,” Ross said. “I have worked hard during my eleven years in the Mississippi Legislature to ensure that our right to bear arms is not only protected, but strengthened. I worked closely with the NRA in drafting and working for the passage of Mississippi’s Castle Doctrine Law.”

The NRA also recognized Ross’ work with Mississippi’s Right to Carry Reciprocity Law, and laws to prevent gun confiscation during states of emergency.

Ross discussed the importance of selecting a Congressman who will defend the Second Amendment. “Right now, the Supreme Court is deciding District of Columbia v. Heller, a case central to the right of the citizens of D.C. to own and carry firearms. In Congress, I will stand up for the rights of our hunters, sportsmen, and those who want the ability to protect themselves and their families. I am not campaigning on promises; I’m campaigning on my proven track record. I’ve worked hard to protect these rights in the legislature, and won’t change when elected to Congress.”

Charles Cunningham, Director of Federal Affairs, urged all NRA members, gun owners, and sportsmen in Mississippi’s Third Congressional District to vote for Charlie Ross in the Republican runoff election on April 1st.

Ross adds the NRA’s endorsement to those previously received from the Homebuilders Association of Mississippi, the Mississippi Associated Builders and Contractors, the Mississippi Hospitality and Restaurant Association, the Mississippi Chapter of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Associated General Contractors of Mississippi, and the Club for Growth. Charlie has also received the endorsement of Jim Gilchrist, the founder and president of the anti-illegal immigration Minuteman Project.

Charlie Ross Campaign Release

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Magnolia Tribune

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