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Presidential races rev up across...

Presidential races rev up across Mississippi

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 20, 2008

The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, 2/20/8

If you’ve been wondering when presidential politics will come to Mississippi, it begins Saturday.

That’s when Democrats across the state will begin a step-by-step process toward selecting delegates to their national convention in Denver.

For Republicans, precinct/ county caucuses are set for April 26.

At stake: delegate votes to be cast at national conventions for presidential candidates.

For Republicans, it may be a moot point with John McCain’s emergence as the likely winner.

But for Democrats, Mississippi’s 40 national delegates may look more important than usual as Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton fight their way to the national convention in August.

“For once, our state’s votes are going to mean something,” predicted Terry Cassreino, communications director for the state’s Democrats.

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Magnolia Tribune

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