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FOLO – Pt. 4: 9/24-10/10,...

FOLO – Pt. 4: 9/24-10/10, Balducci, Lackey and Patterson

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 17, 2008

Pt. 4: 9/24-10/10, Balducci, Lackey and Patterson

September 27th, Patterson and Balducci conversation, right after Balducci has left the meeting with Judge Lackey. There is a partial transcript, detailed here. At the beginning of the conversation, Patterson describes talking to P.L. Blake about getting the $40,000 from him (although Balducci implied to Judge Lackey in the meeting they’d just had it would come from Balducci’s own slush fund). Patterson then says, “Do I go ahead and take care of it or what? And he said, yeah, go ahead and take care of it. I said, well, we’ve already taken care of half of it.” Balducci, having just left Lackey, says, “I’ma just reinforce that this morning. I just stopped by his [Scruggs’s] office um, to pick up that thing that Sid [Backstrom] had gotten for me… ” “I called to Bethie,” says Balducci, “and she said he’s gonna be there this morning, so I’m going to go back on my way through.” Balducci says that he’s leaving Oxford heading south. “So what I’ma do is I’ma come back through here, I’ma stop and see him. I’m gonna lead with this issue and then I’m gonna tell him I need you to make two calls and get him to make those two phone calls.” I think Balducci is saying that he’s going to start with the “problem” he’d solved and then ask Scruggs to make a couple of calls.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.