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YP – My take on the...

YP – My take on the Speekah’s Committee Appointments

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 23, 2008

While many on the left are praising Speekah McCoy’s political retribution tactics, which lie in stark contrast to those of Lt. Governor Phil Bryant, here’s something that no one else has pointed out. By stiffening his opposition, he does not have a veto proof margin. In fact, he does not even have enough votes to pass revenue bills (which require 60%) if the Conservative Coalition opposes.

Though it was certainly a defeat for Conservatives in the Legislature, it was not a hollow defeat. If the conservative coalition holds, Barbour is largely veto proof. What does that mean? Special sessions!

On sticky issues, Barbour can push his agenda. If he doesn’t get his way or has threats on preconditions of support on things he doesn’t want, he can just let the session end and have several short special sessions, where the pressure is intense to “do the People’s business”. Plus, he can control the scope of the Call.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.