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Club for Growth PAC Endorses Charlie...

Club for Growth PAC Endorses Charlie Ross in MS-3

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 10, 2008

Club for Growth PAC Endorses Charlie Ross in MS-3

Over the eleven years that Charlie Ross has served in the Mississippi Legislature, he has been a champion of pro-growth legislation and economic freedom, serving as a key leader in passing meaningful tort reform. He even won three national awards for his efforts on this important issue. Ross has been a vocal defender of private property, opposing eminent domain powers and an eager supporter of tax cuts, urging the governor to call a special legislative session in 1999 for the sole purpose of cutting income taxes.

Ross also has a history of voting against tax increases and supporting decreased government spending, arguing in 2003 that “the rate of growth in state government is not sustainable. I think it shows that we’re spending too much.” Overall, Ross is a strong believer in the principles of limited government and economic freedom with a proven track record of fighting to achieve those principles.

Club for Growth

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.