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Franks on the Issues

Franks on the Issues

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 8, 2007

WJTV, 10/5/7

According to Jamie Franks campaign:

Afraid to defend Phil Bryant’s record as state auditor, the Mississippi Republican Party is distorting Jamie Franks’ record in a two-part television ad. Today, the Jamie Franks for Lt. Governor Campaign responds to the Mississippi Republican Party’s misleading mudslinging.

“Phil Bryant can’t campaign on the issues because he is on the wrong side of the issues important to working families. Instead of supporting our children’s education, Phil voted to go to a four-day school week. Instead of cutting the highest grocery tax in the nation, Phil proposes yet another study. Now he’s hiding behind his party’s skirt tails. Our state simply can’t trust Phil Bryant,” stated Jamie Franks.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.