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Ben Allen clarifies misunderstanding in...

Ben Allen clarifies misunderstanding in City Council special election race

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 6, 2007

Today, Ben Allen sent an email to members of the Downtown Jackson Rotary Club, of which he is a longstanding member stating that Jeff Weill being introduced as his guest at today’s meeting was in no way meant to be construed as an endorsement. Weill, who is not a member of the Rotary Club, came without a sponsoring guest and sat next to Ben Allen to the surprise of many in the 300+ club.

From the email . . .

in coming to rotary today, for the first time in my life, i met jeff weill…

in line for lunch, i asked him (Weill) if he was signed up by someone as a guest….he said he thought he was signed up and i told him i would check for him…i went to the “guest sign-in” and he was not, and as a matter of COURTESY, and courtesy only, signed him in….

Many in the crowd were taken aback by having Weill being introduced as Allen’s guest as he had pledged to remain neutral “as Sweden” in the race, and Ben took great pains to immediately place a lot distance between himself and Weill. Ditto is, coincidentally a member of the Downtown Jackson Rotary Club, but was not in attendance today.

As a sidenote, there will also be a Ward 1 ‘Meet the Candidates’ Forum at Christ United Methodist THIS THURSDAY, August 9 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Kim Wade, Larry Nesbit and Wyatt Emmerich are all scheduled to moderate and all four candidates – John Ditto (R), Jeff Weill (R), David Archie (D) and Rev. Lenard Jenkins (D).

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